Packing up! Why We're Selling Our Narrowboat.
Find out why we're packing up and selling our narrowboat! Less than three years since we launched our narrowboat, Silver Fox, she's up...

Treacle Mines and Scary Times on the Grand Union Canal.
We're off in search of treacle mines and Colin's in for some scary times on the Grand Union Canal as we make our way from Daventry to...

The BEST Bacon Butty in Britain? Narrowboat to Braunston
We're in search for the BEST bacon butty in Britain as we take our narrowboat to Braunston on the Junction of the Grand Union Canal and...

A Day in the Life at Hillmorton Locks - The Busiest Canal Locks in Britain.
Join us for a day in the life at Hillmorton Locks on the north Oxford Canal. Officially the busiest canal locks in Britain. Find out how...

The HUGE Forgotten Canal Aqueduct Buried In Time!
Find out the huge aqueduct buried in time as we take a narrowboat trip to Rugby along the Oxford Canal. Check out the place where the...

Narrowboats Crash as we explore the Coventry Canal!
Two narrowboats crash as we explore the Coventry Canal on what should have been a quiet cruise along the Coventry Arm from Coventry Basin...